Planning, Capacity Building, Project Development, and Grant Writing
for rural governments, non-profits, and groups with a vision.
Robin works with rural nonprofits and units of government on planning, capacity building, project development, and grant writing.
Facilitation to guide the early stages of an idea and then forward it to fruition.
Areas of experience:
Rural Investment Strategies
Project development
Detailed long-range budgeting around strategic/action plan
Vision-based strategic and action planning
Grant coaching and writing
Downtown revitalization
Robin's core mission lies in helping rural communities develop a solid capacity-building framework and action plan for transformation and longevity.

"Her passion, curiosity, and ability to engage people and listen are qualities that gave Robin tremendous credibility. They are also qualities, we have found in our research on leadership, that can put individuals on a path to catalyzing change."
"Robin Payne's work and leadership gives me great hope and inspiration. She shows us how a citizen with passion, curiosity, insight, vision, courage, and humility can help fellow community members recognize their bonds and shared interests, their skills and talents, and their collective power. " Read More
A Citizen and a Small Foundation
Andy Carroll, Exponent Philanthropy